
Land is the most important and valuable commodity we have in our world today. The Muljat Group’s appraisal service takes into account the geographic, social, legal and economic factors, giving you an accurate view of the property’s value and position in the local market.

Muljat appraisals estimate the property’s value in its “as is” condition. The value estimate is subject to the definition of value, the assumptions, limiting conditions and the certification that is contained in the full appraisal report. Our appraisals meet and exceed the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice (USPAP) as published by the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency in the Federal Register (12 CFR Part 34.4) and the minimum reporting requirements of the Office of Thrift Supervision Regulation 564.

The Appraisal reports contain data, descriptions, maps and pictures of not only the site, but of the surrounding community including comparable properties and other amenities. By reading our appraisal, even if you have not seen the property, you can have a detailed and intimate knowledge of the condition and value of the site and its position in the market, allowing you to make a sound decision based on it.

Once we have delivered your appraisal, our service does not stop there. If you have any questions on any part of our report, either call us at 360-733-3030 or contact us via our contact form and one of our appraisers will go over any questions or queries you may have.

Feasibility Studies – The Muljat Group’s Market Analysis & Land Use Economics practice specializes in developing market strategies for developers, builders, retailers, planners and municipalities. We conduct feasibility studies, highest-and-best use studies, market prioritization, and location analyses. We also assist communities and economic development agencies with strategies for economic growth, diversification, tenant recruitment and business retention. We provide our clients with a complete understanding of their unique geographic markets and real estate opportunities, and help formulate optimal land use strategies.

What to learn more? Contact Us.

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